
More about us

U-Turn4Nature is a pioneering initiative rooted in the core belief of the National Rural Livelihoods Mission /NULM/Women FPOs/Women Cooperatives: that poor women possess a strong desire and innate capabilities to emerge from poverty. This belief underpins the entire framework of U-Turn4Nature, which focuses on empowering rural women through entrepreneurship, enabling them to achieve self-sustainable and dignified livelihoods. Along with homemade food products just like made at your home or you have procured from own village.    

Empowering Women at the Grassroots

The foundation of U-Turn4Nature lies in its commitment to transforming the lives of rural women by harnessing their entrepreneurial spirit. By integrating these women into the economic mainstream, the initiative aims to not only alleviate poverty but also create a ripple effect of empowerment throughout their communities. These women, often overlooked and marginalized, are given opportunities to develop skills, access resources, and participate actively in the economy.

Sustainable and Natural Production

U-Turn4Nature is dedicated to promoting sustainable farming practices and natural food production. By setting up agro-based natural processing units in villages, the project ensures that the products are fresh, organic, and free from harmful chemicals. This approach not only caters to the growing consumer demand for healthy and natural foods but also protects the environment and improves public health.

Enhancing Competitiveness

A key objective of U-Turn4Nature is to make these rural women competitive according to global market standards. This involves comprehensive training programs that cover various aspects of production, quality control, and market linkage. By equipping women with the necessary skills and knowledge, U-Turn4Nature ensures that their products meet high standards of quality, making them viable in both domestic and international markets.

Economic Independence and Community Development

The economic independence of women is at the heart of U-Turn4Nature’s mission. By providing them with sustainable livelihood opportunities, the initiative not only improves their financial stability but also enhances their social status. This economic empowerment leads to broader community development, as empowered women are more likely to invest in their families and communities, leading to better education, health, and overall quality of life. And most important making village life more comfortable and well connected with urban brothers & sisters. 

Environmentally Friendly Practices

U-Turn4Nature places a strong emphasis on environmentally friendly practices. From seeding and farming to procurement, storing, processing, packaging, and delivery, every step of the supply chain is designed to be sustainable. By eliminating the use of harmful chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and preservatives, the initiative protects the soil, water, and biodiversity, contributing to a healthier planet.

Volunteer and Community Involvement

U-Turn4Nature encourages volunteer participation, offering opportunities for individuals to contribute to rural development and gain valuable experience. Volunteers can help in various aspects of the project, from training and mentoring women to assisting in market linkage and product development. This involvement not only supports the initiative but also fosters a sense of community and shared purpose.

Building a Natural Bharat

The overarching mission of U-Turn4Nature is to build a Natural Bharat (India) by promoting natural farming, natural food, and environmental preservation. The project aspires to replace harmful, poison-laden practices with eco-friendly alternatives, creating a healthier ecosystem and a more sustainable food system. Through the collective efforts of empowered women, supportive communities, and conscientious consumers, U-Turn4Nature envisions a future where economic prosperity and environmental sustainability go hand in hand.

U-Turn4Nature exemplifies the transformative power of empowering rural women. By leveraging their entrepreneurial capabilities and providing them with the tools to succeed, the initiative not only fosters economic independence but also promotes sustainable practices and community development. The commitment to “people, planet, and palate” ensures that the benefits of this project extend beyond individual livelihoods to encompass broader societal and environmental impacts, paving the way for a more sustainable and equitable future.

We are also promoting Desi Cow-based agriculture system with high yield and quality products to save our environment for the coming generation.

U-Turn4Nature has collaborated with various agriculturists, natural farming specialists, natural processing consultants, village development specialists, institutes, corporate, concerned government authorities, and individuals. Others are welcome.

Volunteers are also invited for this project. Opportunity to serve the rural community and learn to make another to become an entrepreneur.

Adopt a desi cow for pure A2 milk and a piece of farmland for fresh & natural vegetables/food grains. Opportunity to serve the village/farmer/women/youth community and eat natural food.

Why You Should Purchase from Us or Local Producer 

Homemade are Chemical-Free: 

Our products are completely homemade by village women SHGs, ensuring they are free from harmful chemicals, preservatives, and pesticides.

Avoid Harmful Killer Chemicals/Additives Even they are Permissible:

Many big brand products contain chemicals that, while permissible, can still be very harmful. For example, palm oil, which is often mixed with mustard oil in industrial production in India, has been linked to cancer and other killer health issues. Same with all flour, spices powder etc in big industrial production. 

Products are available without these permissible pesticides and chemical than why you need chemical loaded brightly packed grocery items.?

Make the smart choice for your health/family  and the rural economy by purchasing our homemade at Modern Gramudyog by village women.